BHS Student Leadership



 Daily Announcements

Digital Communications

  • Currently making the video announcements for beaver lodge

  • Will be working on a video series for finals week with the Wellness Lab

  • Managing the leadership instagram with engaging graphics and pictures

Tangible COmmunications

  • Recently took down all the outdated leadership posters around Beaverton High

  • Currently redoing the resource board across from the attendance office with COVID-19 information and school updates

  • Now in charge of making all the posters for any leadership committee, or just deciding where to put the posters for maximum effect


  • Just reconfigured many positions in leadership to better fit the organization structure

  • Currently holding interviews for those that applied for a new position in second semester of 2022

  • Starting discussions if prom elections will look the same as last year or run differently


  • Will soon do a venue tour for the senior prom venue

  • Starting discussions of what prom will look like

  • Keeping updated with COVID protocols to see if a winter formal is possible

Community Outreach

  • Just finished Adopt-a-Family and supported 90 families over the holiday season

  • Planning “valograms” fundraiser *looking for choir students to help sing*