BHS Student Leadership

Position List

Elected positions:


President- 2 semesters of experience required, Lead class and activities, participate in meetings with administrations, booster club

Vice President - Create Committees, Step in when the President is absent

Student Relations - Communications, Beaver Lodge Announcements

Historian - Records, attendance

Treasurer  - Set and maintain the Leadership Budget

Director of Elections - Advertise, run and validate all elections

Class positions:

Class President (one per class)-Organize, plan and run all events, participate/assists in fundraisers and awareness campaigns

Class Representative (4) - helps with organizing and planning events, assists in fundraisers and campaigns, represents the voice of their graduating class

Application based positions:

ASB Community Service Coordinator - Develop and run community service based activities (adopt-a-family, campus cleanups)

Community Service Assistant

ASB Shadows Coordinator - Develop and run the BHS Shadow program for incoming students

Shadows Assistant

ASB Diversity - Develop a program that highlights, celebrates, and brings awareness to the diversity in the BHS Community.

Beaver Council Representative (4) - One per class, assist with the distribution of Success Fund Grants to teachers, consists of students, teachers, parents, and administrators in order to discuss school improvements, culture development and how we can move forward to accomplish our school wide goals, in charge of running Beaver Congress Meetings

School Board Representative (2) -one ASB one regular Serve on the Beaverton Student Advisory Committee with the district and report back to the Leadership program (apply through the district and Dr. Erwin)

LINK Crew Commissioner (2) - must be a LINK Leader, Design and run the BHS Link Program for freshmen/new student transitions

Diversity Representative (5) - Create and design a program to adequately represent/celebrate the diverse population of BHS.  Students come from historically underrepresented groups or are members of one of the affinity groups at BHS.  These positions are filled after elections and appointments have been made.

Digital Media Director - Develop posts for the BHS digital media pages that share the Leadership work and events

At-Large Positions (2)- These can be defined by students in the positions. Typically, students design events/activities from scratch that meet a need at BHS and piques their interest.  These positions are filled after elections and appointments have been made.